Twitter / jveiga

Friday, August 13, 2010

The emotional investor

Here is a pretty good piece of advice by Ben Horowitz.

I used this new cool technology that allows me to place keypoints in the video where you can jump to right away.

The statement he makes is that investors are super emotional. I unfortunately found out about this the hard way in 2008 when the market tanked and things went south with KlickSports. Interestingly I also had found out that investors are emotional in their decisions when it came to raising money. In the end this is not good or bad, it's just the way it is. Like Ben, I too thought that investors were rational and super focused. Like he says "with their suits and smart talk" I too thought they are only looking at facts and don't let intangible things affect them. Recently i've been doing some reading - specifically Steve Blank's blog and anything I can get my browser on regarding business models - and I figured this "emotionality" seems to be a norm.

I hope you like the video tags. The company is apparently very new and I just happened to look into it because of some work we had done at KlickSports in the area of video interactivity. I'm not so hot on the "video tagging" stuff - seems more like a feature than a product, etc. But it's a nice to have when posting something on a long video that only happens at minute 34...